Monday, August 9, 2010

Mondays are always a good day to step back and take a good look at your life. The first day of the week often brings out both the best and worst in us. When you woke up this morning, what was your hearts goal for the week? Getting the house cleaned, meal planning, shopping, getting your roots done, getting away from the kids for a few hours?
Do you spend time planning how you want your life to go? What is the thing you put the most thought, and maybe even effort into? Do you have a job that consumes and defines who you are as a person? What would happen to you if it was all taken away?
If you have a few minutes today, get a peice of paper, or your journal if you keep one, and jot down things you are investing yourself in today. How do those things make you feel? Are these things that are permanent, or temporary? What is the result for the people around you?

If you own a bible (and know where it is) open it up to the very beginning. Here are the first few sentances:

 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. "

I love to think about these words when my week starts amping up. Can you imagine the darkness? This is one of my favorite parts of the bible. I love to imagine hovering with God over vast dark oceans of the earth, where there is no life. Thats tranquility! It also reminds me of how big God is (and he can fly! coolest super power ever!) All this is after he laid the groundwork of the planets and the world, but before the part most kids learn about in Sunday school (the part where he made animals and plants and stuff). 
My goal this week is to start off like that. Sure, there's gonna be a lot of work to do, and problems will arise, but I'm going to start of in that tranquility with God. 
Have a great week. XOXO! 

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