Friday, August 6, 2010

Favorite Stuff Friday

I'm working on some really fun posts for next week, but on Fridays I'm usually out doing stuff with the fam. So here are some of my favorite stuff for you to check out while you are waiting for the weekend. TGIF!!

"If you really wanna be a rebel, read your bible, cause that's the only rebellion left."

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Variety Show

I promised myself, that in this new blog I will always be true and honest. Not because I think I will share every part of my life on the internet, but when I get that "awake in the middle of the night with something on my mind" feeling, I'm going to share that stuff as best as I can. Why? For two reasons. The first reason is somewhere between selfishness and humility, and it is because I think I have a really strange mind. Strange enough that you may all find it interesting or funny, and maybe even helpful or inspirational. The second reason is because I just can't be any other way. Honesty to the core. I can't hide that life is full of pain, I can't hide that I have given up a lot of things for a better relationship with God, I can't hide that I like tattoos and loud music. So I am going to share with everyone, as best I can, any truth I find in my everyday life as a woman, a wife, a rebel, a disciple, a student, a mom, a romantic, a realist, and a wife.
So expect to find some music here, some funny stuff, some free stuff, and hopefully you will cry once in a while (because I know how much women like a good cry).
Today I posted several things, just a random sampler and a "get to know ya".

 The evils of time:

My breakfast a year ago:
My breakfast today:

The Waist

This is a picture from one of my favorite annimated shows, "Adventure Time". Her name is Trudy, the waist. I'm sure I will revisit body issues more than once here. Behold, Tudy... my waist.

Introducing the
God I worship... Hero Jesus?
Having a little trouble understanding why Jesus was such a "cool guy"? Follow the link to an article I found with a very different perspective on the man who was God. You will probably think differently about the weird soft colored Jesus portraits in your grandma's house.