I love and appreciate my husband. We have a great relationship (although there were times early in our marriage that I wouldn't have said that), and part of how we got to where we are is continually trying to improve our relationship every day.
This week I am going to challenge myself in several different aspects each day. I am going to post my challenge plans here, and I hope you (if you are married) will be inspired to follow along or create a list of challenges on your own.

First, I want to warn you that lots of these topics are "personal", and I don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. BUT these are issues that are really important, so I'm going to share the challenges but not personal or private things about my life (so please don't email me details about your hot date).
The main part of the challenge is going to be super tough for most of you...
you will have to, ya know... have "s-e-x", EVERY NIGHT.
ya, even on week nights.
even if it means you have to initiate it.
even if you are tired.
even if the kids drove you crazy.
even if you aren't at your goal weight.
even if he wasn't helpful today.
Next there are going to be three challenges here each day that are to help you get amped up to meet that big challenge, and to discover more about your love life. If there is a challenge that is particularly hard for you, then you need to investigate why and what you can do to become stronger. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like some advice don't hesitate to email me at
Challenge 1: Get dressed with hair and makeup BEFORE he gets home.
Challenge 2: Write him a love note telling him "thank you" for things like being a good father and working hard everyday.
Challenge 3: Watch what he wants on tv (or let him read what he wants to read etc) with out complaining (this one is going to be super hard for me!!)
These things should be fairly easy for you to do, with out stepping too far outside your comfort zone. If they aren't... you might have a hard time making it to Friday!