Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday's Challenge

1. Spend some quiet time reading the bible today. Most people have "a song", find a verse that you feel represents your marriage or your husband. Make sure you write it down somewhere you will see it everyday (ie the fridge, the laundry room...) It would also be really nice if you write it out and give it to him.

2. Watch your favorite romance movie, or if you're a reader, revisit your favorite love story. If you just love the part where Elisabeth Bennet accidentally encounters Mr Darcy at Pemberly... read it. Spend a little time getting in touch with your feminine sensibilities.

3. If you can, have a late dinner after the kids are in bed (not usually a healthy choice) and actually set the table and sit down together. It's never to early in the week for a "date-night" at home. This may mean putting the kids to bed a little early, don't feel bad. Make it happen.

Cheese Fondue courtesey of Nigella Lawson, http://www.foodnetwork.com/


1 pound 4 ounces (600 grams) chopped or grated cheese, use a mixture such as Gruyere, Emmental, Brie and Camembert

1 1/4 cups (300 ml) white wine
2 teaspoons cornstarch
3 tablespoons Kirsch
1 garlic clove, peeled
Good grinding pepper
Good grating nutmeg

To serve with:

Carrot batons
Trimmed radishes
Radicchio, cut into spears or skinny wedges
Chicory cut into spears or skinny wedges
Cubes toasted sourdough
anything else you wish to dip


Put the chopped or grated cheese into the fondue pot with the wine and heat until boiling on the stove, by which time the cheese should have melted.
Turn the pot down to a simmer. Whisk together the cornstarch with the Kirsch in a small bowl, and add to the fondue pot along with the garlic clove.
Season with the pepper and nutmeg and move the fondue pot onto a flame at the table. Serve with various vegetables to dip.

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